Both boys were very busy in our play dough chocolate shop. I made chocolate play dough and set up a bunch of "ingredients", cookie cutters and muffin tins. This is similar to the sugar cookie play dough bakery we did recently the boys love pretend and real baking.
Our chocolate shop ingredients included: black beans, pasta, Popsicle sticks, pieces of colorful rolled up tissue paper, glass globs and foam gingerbread men.Chocolate Scented Play Dough (not edible)
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup salt
2 cups hot water
1 Tbsp oil
1/2 Tbsp cream or tartar
Mix all ingredients well in microwave safe dish. Microwave in one minute increments stirring well in between. Normally takes 3-5 min to get play dough consistency. Let cool and knead.
The pasta made great candles for the cupcakes
Black Bean "Chocolate Chip "cookies
